Every little drops

You know how I set my camp here, in this neighborhood? You know how I discovered the surrounding areas and such? Somehow I became part of this community in a very short period of time. Despite the potential here, I’m packing my bag and moving on to another city, after no more than four months. I don’t like farewell much, yet it never left me alone!

There are pros and cons to being a solo traveler and a non native. Luckily I adapted well and found my way around quick enough making my job hunt and exploration possible. And now it’s time for a farewell to my Bangkok chapter, at least for now.

So here I am, sitting by the canal with my three legged pooch, who has become my friend and good company as I think back & forth. I still have a few hours to kill before my landlady refunds my deposit.

All though I never really attached  to anything here, I ended up exchanging farewells to my community.

I will tell you here how it was…

  • The old lady fruit vendor gave me a pineapple, would have none of my protesting and didn’t take money for it.
  • The staff at the local seven-eleven gave me nine Thai Bath worth of stamps.
  • The food stall owner and his family sat with me for lunch with an extra dish, free of charge.
  • Mook and Tian (two little angels around 3 or 4 years old, I played with in the afternoon), gave me kisses and hugs.
  • My landlady refunded my deposit money, and more even than I expected (although I didn’t damage anything). Also, she asked me to come back.
  • Local grocery shop owner called me a good boy 😉
  • My neighbours from the buildings wished me well and asked me to stay in touch.
  • The solo mechanic drummer played some drum bit as farewell.
  • Few other people from the same neighbourhood also wished me well.
  • Last night the sound of crickets was louder than on an average night.
  • The night sky was completely clear and starry.
  • Non stop night air.  


So what made this happen, right? Well that’s simple: Be yourself, be good to others as well as to yourself. When you do little extra things beyond your usual transactions, I think that helps to break the ice. In other words, I tried from the very start to be a good ambassador. People from my same region had already spread a bad reputation everywhere. My intention was and will be  to retrieve the old glory of what we stand for… hahaha.

Legend says, when you know the reason you are here on this earth, only then you will understand the meaning of life. I would like to say, I’m trying …   

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